KSIEN by Roy Henry Vickers
KSIEN by Roy Henry Vickers
Product Type: Artwork
Edition Date: November 2019
Artist: Roy Henry Vickers
Medium: Serigraph
Image Size: 35" x 27" Framed and Matted
Edition Size: 70
Artist: Roy Henry Vickers
Medium: Serigraph
Image Size: 35" x 27" Framed and Matted
Edition Size: 70
The Skeena River is called Ksien in the language of the people. Another spelling of the river is Ksan, so the people are called Gitksan or today the spelling has changed to Gitxsan. My phonetical spelling of this beautiful river is Ksien, it’s the closest I can get in the English alphabet to what I hear spoken.
Today I live on the banks of The Skeena and hear its soft whispers in the winter and the loud roar of it in all its power in June each year. I love this river and valley and travel often from Hazelton to Prince Rupert.
The Skeena River Ksien, is threatened by big industry and a liquefied natural gas pipeline. When will we learn that the environment sustains us, not jobs and money? This ancient highway I call Cloudwaters, is one of the few pristine rivers left in Canada. We must protect the land and the Ksien that has sustained life for millennia.