Totem Animals - Bear

Totem Animals - Bear

Product Type: Photography


In the indigenous cultures of the Pacific Northwest, bears are revered as potent emblems of strength, wisdom, protection, and healing. They are esteemed as protectors of the wilds, admired for their intelligence, tenacity, and bravery. The bear is perceived as an educator and benefactor, with its presence often linked to wealth, fortune, and health.

Within certain tribal customs, bears are venerated as holy creatures tied to specific tribes or clans. For instance, the Kwakwaka'wakw of British Columbia have a bear clan tasked with the tribe's welfare and the equilibrium of nature. Similarly, the Haida have a bear crest symbolizing their bond with nature and their reverence for life.

Bears feature prominently in numerous indigenous tales and lore as beings capable of transformation. It is held that through visions and spiritual quests, one may inherit the bear's sagacity and vigor. The bear dance, a ritualistic dance executed by various Pacific Northwest tribes, serves to pay tribute to these formidable creatures and to petition their wisdom and safeguarding.


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